
Basics for Acquistion

Written by Shashwat Murarka | Jul 18, 2023 11:44:22 AM

Acquiring a company can be a significant milestone for startup founders, and it's essential to understand the acquisition process. Here's a guide to help you navigate the steps involved in achieving an acquisition:

Decision and goal-setting: The first step is determining whether an acquisition aligns with your vision and goals as a founder. Some founders may prefer to maintain control and independence, while others see acquisition as a way to achieve growth or exit the business. Set clear goals for the type of company you'd like to be acquired by and envision your role after the acquisition.

Due diligence: The process begins once you express interest in being acquired or receiving a favorable deal. This involves providing the buyer with comprehensive information about your company. Financial records, legal contracts, employment details, intellectual property, and other relevant documentation will be examined. Thorough due diligence helps the buyer evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with the acquisition.

Negotiation and agreement: After the due diligence phase, negotiations commence between you and the acquiring company. This stage involves discussions on terms and conditions, purchase price, rights and obligations of both parties, warranties, and any post-acquisition involvement. Seek legal and financial advice to ensure favorable terms and protect your interests.

Completion of the deal: Once all parties reach an agreement, a date is selected to finalize and sign the acquisition deal paperwork. This step involves signing various legal documents, such as acquisition agreements, stock purchase agreements, and non-disclosure agreements. Completing the deal transfers ownership of the company to the acquiring entity.

Post-acquisition involvement: Your involvement after the acquisition depends on the agreement reached with the buyer. Some founders may exit the company entirely, while others may negotiate to retain a role as an advisor, board member, or consultant. Alternatively, you could negotiate a deal to receive ongoing financial benefits based on future sales or milestones.

While the acquisition process may seem complex, it can be manageable with proper planning and expert guidance. One crucial aspect that can contribute to a successful acquisition is having your business's finances and accounting in order. 

When acquiring a company, it is essential for founders to consider the tax implications on the business and personal sides. From a business perspective, the tax implications may vary depending on the structure of the acquisition (e.g., asset purchase or stock purchase). An asset purchase can result in tax deductions for the acquiring company, as it allows for allocating the purchase price to specific assets for depreciation or amortization purposes. On the other hand, a stock purchase may provide the advantage of acquiring the target company's tax attributes, such as carryforward losses. Additionally, founders should be mindful of any tax liabilities assumed as part of the acquisition, such as outstanding tax obligations or contingent liabilities.

From a personal standpoint, founders should consider the tax consequences of the acquisition on their individual tax returns. The purchase of a company can have implications for the founder's personal income tax, capital gains tax, and potential alternative minimum tax. It is crucial to assess the impact on their overall tax liability, taking into account factors such as the purchase price allocation, potential tax deferral strategies, and any changes in ownership structure.

Arbo can assist you in this regard. They provide financial services and expertise to help startups prepare their financial records, optimize their accounting practices, and present their financial health to potential acquirers. By partnering with Arbo, you can enhance your chances of attracting acquisition opportunities and demonstrating the value of your business to prospective buyers.

Remember, achieving an acquisition typically requires a solid foundation, a successful track record, and a clear vision for the future. With careful consideration, strategic planning, and the proper support, you can position your startup for potential acquisition and take a significant step toward achieving your goals.